Hgea Unit 13 Tentative Agreement 2019

Hgea Unit 13 Tentative Agreement 2019

The Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) Unit 13 Tentative Agreement for 2019 has been the talk of the town among the state’s workers. The agreement, which covers professional and scientific employees, has been finalized after months of negotiations between the union and the state.

This new agreement is a major step forward for members of HGEA Unit 13. The deal covers a wide range of important issues, such as pay raises, healthcare, and job security.

One of the most significant aspects of the agreement is the pay increase for workers. Members of HGEA Unit 13 will receive a base salary increase of 2.5% in each of the next two years, with a lump sum payment of $1,250 in the first year. The agreement also includes additional wage increases based on performance and years of service, allowing for a potential increase of up to 4.5% per year.

The agreement also covers healthcare benefits, including dental, vision, and medical plans. HGEA Unit 13 members will see no increase in their monthly premiums for the duration of the agreement. This is a crucial aspect of the deal, as healthcare costs continue to skyrocket for many workers across the country.

Job security is another area that’s been addressed in the agreement. The state has agreed to no layoffs of HGEA Unit 13 members during the term of the agreement, except in cases of disciplinary action or for cause. This provides workers with a sense of stability and job security, knowing that their employment is protected.

Overall, the HGEA Unit 13 Tentative Agreement for 2019 is a significant victory for the state’s workers. The agreement addresses some of the crucial issues that have been plaguing workers for years, such as pay increases, healthcare benefits, and job security.

As negotiations continue, it’s important for workers to stay informed and engaged with the process. The HGEA Unit 13 Tentative Agreement for 2019 is a strong start, but there’s still more work to be done to ensure that all workers are able to access the benefits and protections that they deserve.

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